
1. 所有申请人的资格要求

  • 高中或大学化学成绩合格
  • 在没有支持的情况下,有资格参加eng1510课程
  • 资格安置在MAT 1500
  • 完成tea考试
  • Must be 18 years of age by June 1 of the intended graduation year to be eligible to take the NCLEX exam for licensure as a registered nurse
  • 必须达到GPA/成绩要求

GPA /年级要求

高中学生和毕业生:高中课程GPA达到85%或更高. 包括:

  • 在读高中生(有或没有双入学学分)
  • 高中毕业,没有大学经验
  • 高中同等学历(GED/TASC)获得者将根据具体情况进行审查

大学生:大学GPA 2分.5或以上. 包括:

  • JCC在校生或应届生
  • 从其他学院转来的学生
  • 如果申请人有一个以上的大学GPA, JCC十大外围足彩网站app将计算综合GPA,用于资格目的

如果学生不符合这些要求, they may still complete general education courses required for the Nursing program during the first year of study at JCC, 然后一旦符合资格就申请护理项目.

2. 护理入学考试

All students who meet the eligibility requirements will need to take the TEAS nursing admittance entrance exam and submit scores to JCC. 这些成绩自学生参加考试之日起两年内有效. 考试将以远程或现场形式进行.

说明链接将概述注册过程和系统要求. You will have the option of sending the results to one school after completion of the exam; please request them to be sent to 詹姆斯敦社区学院.

根据资格标准,可能会对申请人适用录取标准, 以前的教育, 和tea分数.

标准 描述 /分
以前的教育 持牌实用护士/持牌职业护士 1
茶分 发展 0
茶分 基本 1
茶分 精通 3
茶分 先进的 6
茶分 模范 9

符合标准并不能保证进入护理课程. 在录取标准上得分越高,申请人被选中的机会就越大. Violations of the Academic Integrity or Student Conduct policies in JCC’s Constitution of the Student Body, 或违反其他高等教育机构的同等政策, 也应被视为录取决定的一个因素.

3. 验收后的附加要求


在进入NUR 1510之前, students are required to present evidence of completion of a course in 基本 Life 支持 (BLS) that includes infant, 孩子, 成人CPR和自动体外除颤器(AED). The acceptable courses are: BLS for the 健康 Care Provider (American Heart Association) or CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer (American Red Cross). Students are strongly encouraged to take BLS during the summer prior to entering the nursing program. 通过在夏天参加劳工统计局, the student will be compliant with the CPR requirement throughout the two-year nursing program. 课程可以通过护理项目、JCC和/或社区提供.

The State University of New York no longer requires a COVID-19 vaccine for students attending 詹姆斯敦社区学院, 自2023年夏季起生效, which coincides with the official end of the national public health emergency by President Biden’s administration. 然而, nursing students participate in clinical site placements held at third-party locations and must comply with all required health and safety guidelines, 包括任何疫苗接种或测试方案, 这些都在他们的临床位置上. 联邦政府对当地条件或要求的改变, 状态, 当地的, 或第三方网站代理可能导致学生疫苗接种政策的变化.

All health care agencies in Pennsylvania require criminal background checks on nursing students before beginning a clinical placement. All JCC nursing students will be assigned to clinical experiences in PA during some semester(s). 因此, 需要护理专业的学生, 自费, to complete the required 孩子 abuse background check and a 状态 or federal background check before beginning clinical placement. Inability to obtain a satisfactory clearance will prevent a student from being assigned to clinical experiences in PA, 结果就是, the student will not be able to complete the clinical objectives for the course and will not be allowed to continue in the nursing program. (The college will not move a student from an agency that denies background clearance to another.) A criminal record may also jeopardize a graduate’s ability to obtain registered nurse licensure.

  • 实验室的费用: 每学期250美元(NUR 1510, NUR 1520, NUR 2510和NUR 2520).
  • 物理信息: To certify the health of students working with patients or clients in health care facilities, JCC, 由法律规定, 是否必须通知医疗机构学生的状况. 因此, a physical examination to determine the student’s health is required prior to registration and enrollment in any nursing course requiring a clinical component. JCC will provide the forms and information regarding the physical examination following the student’s written acceptance to the nursing program. 这些服务的费用将被加到学期学费账单中.
  • 毒品屏幕: It is a contractual requirement between the college and some healthcare agencies that prior to    beginning their clinical experiences at the healthcare agency; students must complete a 10 panel urine drug screen evaluation and receive clinical clearance to practice. 因此, the college must require all 十大外围足彩网站app freshman nursing students to complete a 10 panel drug screen evaluation and receive clearance prior to any clinical experience. 校园健康中心执行药物筛选. Students who do not receive drug screen clearance from the initial 10 panel screen evaluation will be required to undergo a second drug screen at a higher additional cost.  随后, 如果学生没有从第二次筛选中获得药物筛选许可, 学生将不被允许参加任何临床经验. Students who are not able to complete their clinical experiences will not be permitted to continue in the nursing program.
  • 乙型肝炎疫苗: 这种疫苗对乙型肝炎具有主动免疫力. It is strongly recommended by JCC and health care agencies that all students receive this immunization.
  • 犯罪背景调查和许可
  • 交通: A variety of area agencies are used to provide clinical experiences for the nursing student. 这些机构包括私立和公立急症护理医院, 精神病院, 长期护理设施, 康复中心, 公立学校, 保健诊所, 家庭护理机构. Transportation and all the expenses associated with the agency experience are the responsibility of the student. Clinical agency placements are limited and in high demand by a variety of health care programs. Clinical agency assignments for JCC’s nursing program may be located in the following areas but are not limited to: Jamestown, 敦刻尔克, 和Olean, 纽约和布拉德福德, 伊利, 和沃伦, PA. Although students will have an opportunity to express their preferences for clinical site locations, 临床代理经验的时间和地点由教师自行决定. It is also a faculty policy to insure that students have well-rounded clinical experiences in a variety of clinical agencies. 因此, students must attend more than one agency for their primary rotation during their four semesters of the program.
  • 制服: Each student is expected to have a uniform for selected clinical experiences beginning with NUR 1510. 校服将在秋季学期的第一周订购. 与制服相关的其他费用包括绣名字 & 缝上补丁, 白鞋, 腕表(带秒针或计时器), 剪刀, 血压袖带, 和听诊器.
  • 许可证和首次注册费: 执照考试和首次注册的费用, 在课程的最后一个学期之后, 纽约州大约425美元,宾夕法尼亚州大约390美元. 其他州收取的费用因州而异.